Post-Market Study
Professional team helps post-marketing study in China
Our real-world research BU has extensive experience in the design and implementation of PMS. Studies produce influential medical data through structured research design and implementation, as well as evidence of products or specific patient groups, to better guide clinical practice, achieve the most market access and optimal business, and meet the requirements of regulatory authorities. All studies were conducted in accordance with the GCP specifications and the corresponding research guidelines.
We develop streamlined and cost-effective standard operating procedures for PMS to maximize data collection, monitoring, and quality, while minimizing operational risk.
Our real-world research team has rich knowledge of policy and expertise, including ethical and regulatory requirements, patient privacy legislation, investigator assistance policies, academic and website networks, patient associations, national health databases, and local healthcare systems.
Excellence in design and operation
Mees Medical's real-world research BU has extensive experience in the design and execution of post-marketing clinical research. Our research generates influential medical data through structured research design and execution, as well as medical evidence for products or specific patient groups, to better guide clinical practice, achieve the most market access and optimal business, and meet the requirements of regulatory authorities. All of our studies are conducted according to GCP specifications and corresponding research guidelines.
Mees Medical develops streamlined and cost-effective standard operating procedures for post-marketing studies, maximizing data collection, monitoring, and quality, while minimizing operational risks.
Mees Medical's real-world research team possesses deep policy and professional knowledge, including ethical and regulatory requirements, patient privacy legislation, investigator subsidy policies, academic and website networks, patient associations, national health databases, and local healthcare systems.
Key Drug Monitoring
Mees Medical's real-world research BU has extensive experience in the design and execution of post-marketing clinical research. Our research generates influential medical data through structured research design and execution, as well as medical evidence for products or specific patient groups, to better guide clinical practice, achieve the most market access and optimal business, and meet the requirements of regulatory authorities. All of our studies are conducted according to GCP specifications and corresponding research guidelines.
Mees Medical develops streamlined and cost-effective standard operating procedures for post-marketing studies, maximizing data collection, monitoring, and quality, while minimizing operational risks.
Mees Medical's real-world research team possesses deep policy and professional knowledge, including ethical and regulatory requirements, patient privacy legislation, investigator subsidy policies, academic and website networks, patient associations, national health databases, and local healthcare systems.