诺华 Novartis
Add to Favorites诺华集团致力于为患者及社会提供创新医药健康解决方案,以满足其日益变化的健康需求。总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,诺华集团拥有多元化业务组合以最好地满足这些需求,包含创新药、成本节约型非专利药和生物类似药以及眼科保健产品。诺华在上述各领域均处于全球领先地位。2017年,集团净销售额达491亿美元,集团研发投入约为90亿美元。诺华集团拥有近12.5万名全职员工。诺华的产品在全球155个国家和地区销售。
Add to FavoritesMore than 50 experts dedicated to surpassing client expectations with enthusiasm and conviction.
Earth for lorem ipsum uncover on many web sites still in have their versions infancy of the years.
Earth for lorem ipsum uncover on many web sites still in have their versions infancy of the years.
We believe in creating leading ideas whether for a niche product or targeted agent.
We partner with brand/product marketing, sales, service, and medical functions to advance their capabilities to engage healthcare professionals in multiple traditional and novel channels of communication. Such capabilities have proven to improve reach and frequency, increase customer access, augment sales, enhance marketing campaigns, and achieve higher proximity for medical and customer service teams.
Compelling, robust data, and Credible, timely, and compliant publications are needed to achieve your communication objectives and inform future clinical practice.
MedSci's medical education courses are extremely participatory, interactive and relevant to HCPs most immediate needs. We engage HCPs with case-based discussions, polling questions, and role-playing – proven methods that will help you retain the most information, with the tools to apply it to HCPs practice.
We have nearly 30 brand conferences, and more than 7000 participants form universities, academics, pharmaceuticals and hospitals every year.
With an extensive range of meetings involving healthcare professionals, international symposium, advisory boards, investigator meetings and training workshops to name a few, the level of support required can be extremely variable. We have the team capacity and global reach to be a leading provider of high-quality, successful events.
we monitor and contribute to relevant ethical guidelines and aim to exceed recommended standards. Our writers continuously contribute to the body of well-written, accessible and balanced medical information available to prescribers, patients and payers.
We provide truly insightful expertise in strategic digital consulting, technological innovation, and interactive design and development. With more than 20 dedicated digital professionals, and a wealth of experience incorporating digital solutions into medical and marketing communications, we combine healthcare experience with the freshest and most innovative digital thinking.
MedSci are passionate about collaborating with industry to support healthcare professionals in achieving the best possible outcomes for patients. We strive for excellence in all aspects of medical education.
award winning courses helping HCPs clinical study
200 living symposiums every year, 7000 HCPs participants.
Online medical education portal, and eLearning solutions
Professional medical communication, publication planning & ME/CME.
Our mission is " improving healthcare quality"
We provide outsourcing services and channels to pharmaceutical industry at all stages of the product life-cycle
We help customers address big challenges arising from the changing biotechnology landscape.
We are research and development products and platform to helping people increase life quality..
Many web sites still in their infancy various versions have evolved over the years generator on the Internet.